It is well known that a random vector with given marginal distributions is comonotonic if and only if it has the largest sum with respect to the convex order [ Kaas, Dhaene, Vyncke, Goovaerts, Denuit (2002), A simple geometric proof that comonotonic risks have the convex-largest sum, ASTIN Bulletin 32, 71-80. Cheung (2010), Characterizing a comonotonic random vector by the distribution of the sum of its components, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 47(2), 130-136] and that a random vector with given marginal distributions is mutually exclusive if and only if it has the minimal convex sum [Cheung and Lo (2014), Characterizing mutual exclusivity as the strongest negative multivariate dependence structure, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 55, 180-190]. In this note, we give a new proof of this two results using the theories of distortion risk measure and expected utility.
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